Saturday, December 6, 2008

Financial Help for the Holidays

At church on Sunday, we picked an ornament from the Giving Tree in the back of church. Like many religious congregations, our parishioners will be contributing financial help for the holidays to less fortunate families ... and there are many in this economy with job loss and unsold homes causing strains to so many budgets.

Our construction paper star read, "Crisis Pregnancy Center. Diapers, Sz. 2." The good stars, those for toys and clothes for needy children of the parish and community, were snatched up by earlier worshipers. But diapers are needed, and the other tags left included some for McDonald's cetificates, which I have major issues with buying. So diapers it is.

I've written a series of eHow articles over the last few weeks to help point those struggling financially in the right direction, to get the help they need.
What has surprised me the most is the number of comments from people in seemingly desperate circumstances. There are many sob stories on some of my earlier ones, especially the two on financial assistance and the holidays. Since there is absolutely no way to know how many of those are real and how many are scams, I don't allow myself to become emotionally involved in their stories. Instead, I will focus any financial help I am able to give, to the needy in my community. Which reminds me -- I have some size 2 diapers to buy.

How are you sharing with others this Christmas and holiday season?

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