Monday, February 25, 2008

I've Started Seeds for the Spring!

My friend Erika very generously shared her bounty of new seeds with me. She went all out with her order -- herbs, vegetables, squash, fruit ... and with the seeds, she gave me an excitement for spring. I am looking forward to the warmth and sunshine, and having my little seedlings already coming up makes me very happy.

As I planted the seeds (thyme, lavender, eggplant and few other early varieties) I documented it for the purpose of making a how-to video for a website I write articles for. I'm including it here as well... my first Blogger video.

Because we have very rocky, clay soil that is hard to cultivate, I will be primarily a container gardener this year. I am also going to make a couple raised beds for the squash and eggplants, that like to spread out with crawling vines. But the tomatoes and herbs will sit in large pots on my deck, a few steps away from my kitchen and ready to be harvested fresh for the night's salad.

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